CUSTOM HOUSE one of England's most deprived Wards in one of the country's most deprived Boroughs. That is how most people see Custom House.
The statistics corroborate these assumptions and the facts tell us about the lack of jobs, poor housing and overcrowding, street crime, anti-social behaviour, poor health and lack of ammenities for the young and old.
These are all major challenges for Custom House, but they are not insurmountable.
PEACH has come together to face up to these challenges and they will be tackled because in Custom House we have got an asset that other communities haven't got.
We have got the people of Custom House, people of all ages, races, colour and religions, a community that can work and build a lasting and sustainable environment, with secure jobs, good quality housing at realistically affordable rents, safer streets that will be there for our children and grandchildren to enjoy and be proud of.
If you wish to become a member of PEACH and take part in helping to shape the future of Custom House, the People's Empowerment Alliance for Custom House would love to hear your views. Please fill in the contact form and a member of PEACH will get back to you shortly.
Welcome to the website of PEACH
the People's Empowerment Alliance for Custom House