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PEACH Safety updates 

Many of our young people are worried about the safety of their streets and many parents fear for their children when they are out and about.



There are tragic stories of our members sons being lost to street violence, Bobby Litambola and Danny O'Shea being just two. In their names we aim to make Custom House a safer place for everyone.



To help achieve these aims a group of students at the Royal Docks School and Shipman Youth Zone are working on multiple projects. Some highlights include:



- Fundraising for a memorial bench for Bobby Litambola, an ex student at Royal Docks



- Working with police and shopkeepers to transform Prince Regent Lane into a 



- Running workshops for young people on rights and responsibilities when interacting with police

PEACH, Bobby Litambola, City Safe Zone
PEACH, Danny O'Shea
PEACH, Lotto, National Lottery
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